The SPF Installation Process Explained

Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is high-density, insulation spray-foam. It is protected from the weather using a plasticized, or rubberized, uv-resistant coating. Benefits you will experience from this application are an air tight, water tight, and vapor tight roofing system. 

It can expand and contract across temperature areas thanks to its elastic properties. This insulation is also termed “rubber” because its appearance is similar to that of rubber once hardened. You will experience many benefits of choosing SPF insulation for your home.

For one, its inner polyurethane construction makes it resistant to wear and tear, protecting your home from pests. The SPF installation process needs to be done by professionals as you need special tools and skills for this purpose. Before you have SPF installed, knowing the process will be helpful.

SPF Installation Process

 Spray foam is applied though a commercial grade plural component reactor that’s operated by a certified professional. It transfers two materials from separate drums into a hose where the materials meet in a nozzle used by a certified professional that can only be purchased through a specialty manufacturer that only certified companies or individuals are qualified to purchase from. It is applied at the industry standard of 1.5 inches thick and can be manipulated during this process to promote positive drainage. After spraying, the foam is left to sit for 24 hours, giving it time to expand and level, filling minor imperfections within the surface. 

Spray Foam Application

The way SPF is sprayed is unique. SPF has two components: resin and hardener. Both are mixed together in the tank, and the machine has to be set according to the thickness and the temperature of the SPF. When the tank is empty and the machine has been cleaned, the foam can then be applied. The process also requires a special nozzle, which you can find in stores.

Finishing SPF Roofing

Spray Foam is applied over the prepped roof deck. It cures within minutes and is eligible for the primer or base coat – which is the first layer of the uv protective coating that you spray over the foam once it is cured. Once the base coat is applied, a technician will spray the uv protective top coat between 12-24 hours after the base coat layer was applied and has cured. This application is done with pin-point detail in order to achieve a professional, and aesthetically pleasing, finish. 

The Benefits of SPF Roofing

SPF is ideal for many reasons. It gives you quick results, with the time between application and the completion of the job being just a few days. Since the application is not that complicated, it takes two days to complete a flat roof and only three days for a standard roof. 

SPF is also non-flammable and offers good insulation value. It’s also resistant to fungi and mold, so it’s essential for keeping harmful substances out of your home. The product is also available in a wide variety of colors, so it blends in nicely with the rest of your home. 

Lastly, it is energy-efficient. According to studies, the average period you can get ROI for an SPF roof is within five years. According to Energy Star, since SPF increases home insulation, that can also provide you up to 20% savings on your monthly energy bills.

A Roof That’s Kinder to Your Budget and the Environment

Knowing SPF installation process will give you an overview of how it’s done, so you know what to expect. Are you ready to switch to more energy-efficient roofing today? 

Let’s lower down your energy costs today! American Foam Experts is a reputable SPF roofer in Walnut Creek, CA. We specialize in SPF applications for homes and businesses.