How Eco-Friendly is Polyurethane Foam?

SPF Roofing has been available for commercial applications since the late 1950s. It’s been used in various different projects, from lightweight insulation for space flight, to freezer insulation, commercial and residential roofing applications, and even more. 

Developments in this technology have allowed foam to be sprayed in all seasonal temperatures. It can be applied through a heat-controlled reactor designed to mix the material so it can be sprayed as a single liquid with optimal cure time and yield. (I want to eliminate anything that has to do with aerosol spray cans or canisters. Those are used for quick DIY fixes and its not the same thing that we spray on your roof.) 

It Lowers Environmental Impact

The U.S. Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (USSPFA) proved spray foam’s lower environmental impact. According to the results, spray foam regained its production energy in one to two years and greenhouse gas emissions within nine months to eight years. This meant the material brought down carbon emissions in 60 years! From a construction perspective, spray foam conserves physical energy and reduces carbon emissions because it requires fewer resources and manpower to apply them. They can be transported in smaller vehicles and need zero repeat trips for assembly.

Spray foams airtight properties allow for maximum efficiency in the climate control and energy efficiency of your building. This efficiency is increased when compared with other green energy solutions such as solar. When protected with a UV stable reflective coating, studies show temperature decreases in areas with groups of buildings that have a white reflective coating being used as their finished roofing project. This temperature decrease is measured in the direct area of these buildings. 

It Is Renewable

Spray foam will last forever as long as it is protected from UV exposure. The UV protective coating is applied to the foam to last a minimum of 15 years and as long as you keep your roof coated the foam will never lose its properties. 

It Is Easily Installed

Spray foam and its coatings are a specialty application, and should only be installed by trained professionals. With a proficient and professionally trained team your roofing project can be done quick, clean, and efficient with an aesthetically pleasing finished project. 

Spray foam is applied through a commercial plural component reactor that projects the liquids out of a spray gun at a high volume allowing to cover large areas before it can take on UV damage. 

It Is A Seamless Material

Polyurethane foam is commonly pre-fabricated into 4×8 sheets that are mechanically fastened via screws and plates or glued to the substrate using a commercial grade adhesive. 

This application does not provide a seamless air tight membrane which makes leaks harder to find since it doesn’t have a direct reaction to water intrusion. Since it isn’t air tight it makes climate control and energy efficiency far less effective. 

Polyurethane foam applied via “spray” or spray polyurethane foam is a 100% seamless membrane which makes areas with water intrusion much easier to identify. It will react directly to the foam by blistering or adhesion failure causing a trampoline affect. These areas can be identified and fixed immediately before any severe interior damage occurs to your building. 

A Final Note

Your home, community, and environment will greatly benefit from a spray foam coating on your roof, ceiling, or other surfaces. As mentioned above, it is an energy-efficient, money-, and time-saving application that protects your building from the elements and reduces carbon emissions for a greener earth.  

Talk to us at American Foam Experts to find out how to apply spray foam to your home. We’re the leading family-owned spray foam roofer that’s customized to reduce your energy costs all year round!