Best Roof Coatings for Flat Roofs

Flat roof coatings have vastly improved over the years, giving rise to safe, energy-efficient, and cost-effective options available in today’s market. Whether you’re planning to renovate a commercial building or residential roof, there’s a flat roof coating for every purpose.

On the downside, the wide variety of roof coatings available may make the selection process quite daunting and confusing. If you’re facing this dilemma, check out this guide to the best roof coating for flat roofs.

Best Flat Roof Coatings in California

The type of flat roof coating you choose depends entirely on your roofing project. Some coatings are better suited to specific projects than others, and some work better under certain conditions. Here are some of the best roof coatings for flat roofs:

Acrylic Coat

When it comes to efficiency and longevity, ranking amongst the top is Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) systems. Acrylic coatings are a form of SPF coating that uses water-based materials to protect roof membrane surfaces, such as single-ply and metal membranes. The spray-in-place installation provides a fully-adhered system that seals all penetrations without joints or fasteners, resulting in a seamless self-flashing system. 

Acrylic coatings have excellent insulation properties and radiation-resistant capabilities and are flexible enough to withstand hail damage. A typical acrylic roof coating lasts about 10 to 20 years, after which it requires re-application. 

One consideration when choosing a quality roofing company is to consider one that provides a warranty. Some companies such as American Foam Experts provide a 15-year warranty on acrylic roofs, so you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank every few years.

Optimal weather conditions are crucial during your acrylic roof coating application. Applying acrylic coating under extreme heat conditions might prevent it from sticking properly. Likewise, applying the coating in freezing temperatures may cause it to freeze before setting appropriately. It is preferable to apply the coating in average temperatures, preferably when there isn’t any impending precipitation. 

Silicone Coat

Silicone coats are a type of SPF system manufactured from 100% silicone. They provide excellent aesthetics and weather resistance, making them ideal for areas that experience extreme weather like hailstorms.

These coatings have become quite popular amongst homeowners due to their role in good UV protection. The coatings offer unmatched durability that doesn’t erode or chip away easily. Silicone coats also come in various colors to match any exterior home design and color scheme. Silicone also makes great flat roof sealant.

However, silicone coats have a few drawbacks in terms of cost and application requirements. They also have little abrasion resistance qualities, so this would not be an ideal choice to have installed if your roof gets very much foot traffic.

Polyurethane Coat

Polyurethane coatings are a form of SPF roofing system you can apply over sprayed foam roofs. Over the past few years, they’ve been gaining a lot of popularity among building developers looking for a cost-effective, impact-resistance roofing solution. These coatings work great on roofs that get high foot traffic, due to their impact-resistant qualities and overall durability. 

Unlike other SPF roofing systems, polyurethane coatings come in two types, allowing you the chance to pick one based on your unique needs. You can choose between aliphatic and aromatic polyurethane coatings.

Aromatic Polyurethane coatings provide a cost-effective roofing solution in areas that don’t get a lot of sunlight and bad weather. On the downside, they get damaged pretty quickly from UV rays exposure, and that’s why most contractors use them as a base coat. Aliphatic Polyurethane coatings hold up better against UV rays, retain their color longer, and are dirt-resistant, making them a more ideal for top coat.

Fluid-Applied Asphaltic Rubber Membrane Systems

If you’re looking to extend the lifespan of your existing roof, then fluid-applied asphaltic rubber membranes may be your best option. These coatings combine the emulsified asphalt’s weatherproof properties with rubber’s elastic features. They work very well with existing construction materials like modified bitumen, built-up roofs, thermosets, and thermoplastic membranes. 

The result is a roof coating that can form a tight rubber membrane. These qualities make the coating perfect for cold-process fluid-applied applications like root barriers for green roofs and planters. 

Get the Best Spray Foam Roofing in San Francisco

Spray foam coatings provide the most durable, cost-effective, and reliable roofing solutions for flat roofs. At American Foam Experts, we take pride in the quality and performance of our spray foam roofing services. If you’re ready to give your flat roof a makeover, contact us for all your spray foam roofing needs.